Friday, March 8, 2013

The Zelda's Blog Idea

Apparently I have been told I do not pull my own weight around the house and I have been criticized for not having a job, but last time I checked being adorable is a full time commitment, but alas, the Zelda must blog to pay a non-existent rent. I still think the whole thing is absurd, especially considering there is no money in being adorable unless you are Haley Joel Osment, but at the same time is there really any money in blogging? Is this a futile effort taken place by this puppy, or perhaps just a vain attempt for this shiba to rise to stardom…a girl can dream can’t she?

So what should I blog about, I have no job, I sleep all day, and I have no real interest in politics…actually it sounds like I am relatively relatable to the average American…just joking, I don’t play video games.

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